Team training and learning

Your team deserves an unparalleled learning experience with well-curated programs. Empower them to achieve success with the right set of skills and knowledge.

Discover practical insights from our team of practitioners who have worked with a range of clients from various industries. Courses are carefully crafted through collaborative discussions, providing valuable experiences for your team to deep dive into a variety of topics.

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We Aim for Solutions

We team up with businesses to bring their team to the next level and reach their goals.

AIA Singapore


To help their insurance agents to boost sales during the circuit breaker, AIA Singapore realised that it would be an added advantage to equip their insurance agents with the right skills to tap into the social media landscape.


We designed three digital manuals and workbooks – Beginner, Intermediary and Advanced. Tied together with webinar sessions, the program enables the agents to be able to run a full-fledge social media strategy that best meets their desired objective. The module includes digital content planning, creating social media content an optimization of their own social media profiles.

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Vinda Malaysia


Vinda Malaysia wanted to relook into their online business strategies due to the impact for Covid-19 to move forward. They needed an objective viewpoint on the performance of their existing e-business unit.


We assessed the commercial’s unit internal digital skills capability by conducting a comprehensive digital audit. A 6-month program was designed to upskill the team in e-commerce and digital marketing. The syllabus includes online learning, hands-on projects, and consultations.

KL Hop On Hop Off KL & Penang


The different business divisions within the organisation found it difficult to create effective digital marketing campaigns.


A 3-day intensive digital marketing training to ensure that the teams learn the basics of digital marketing, how to create a digital strategy for their industry and how to effectively measure the success of their campaigns.

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Here's How We Can Support Your Team

We are here as a supportive role to overcome your challenges together.

Corporate Training

Customised training modules to provide your team with the best learning experience. Interactive tutoring sessions and impactful workshops to keep your team engaged throughout the learning sessions.

Group Webinar

Join our interactive webinar sessions or organise one with us on basically any topic you can imagine! We cover a broad variety of topics - including digital marketing, digital transformation, business transformation, entrepreneurship, branding, creatives and more!

Learning On-The-Go

Ditch the classroom setting learning. We believe in being able to learn anytime and anywhere. Discover endless learning possibilities through the OpenAcademy app. Learn from a range of available content or customise the learning content on the app specially and exclusively for your team through videos, articles and more!

Individual Consulting

Arrange for a 1-to-1 consultation session with our professional consultants. Highly requested by individuals in the senior management role of large enterprises.

We are OpenAcademy

Overcome challenges and celebrate the wins with us

App Course
Jan Wong
Co-Founder of OpenMinds™
App Course
Daryll Tan
Co-Founder of OpenMinds™ and Founder of FeedForward
App Course
Celine Ting
Managing Director of OpenAcademy
Xien Puo
Founder of DriveFunnels
App Course
Jeffery Ng
Technology Director of OpenMinds™
Ryan Ng
Co-Founder of DriveFunnels
App Course
Brian Siew
Creative Director of OpenMinds™